Friday, 23 September 2011

Get Free YouTube Views

Get Free YouTube Views 

Ok heres what you do, FIRST sign up by clicking HERE

Then click Surf

Located on the top right.

Leave it up over night and you'll get big numbers after a couple of days xD

When you have enough credits goto your "control panel" then "My Videos" and add your video with views. 

Works great for me 

Saturday, 17 September 2011

How To USE Cookies In Firefox With pics N00b Friendly

Step 1. Start firefox

Step 2. Go to Tools

Step 3. There go to Add-ons

Step 4. In Add-ons press Get Add-ons

Step 5. Search for "cookie"

Step 6. Install the one named "Edit Cookies"

and restart firefox

Step 7. Then go to filehost site you want to

login as premium

Step 8. Login with non premium account.

Step 9. Go to tools again and select "Edit

cookie" from bottom

Step 10. When you open it there is empty box

put in there "megaupload" then press

Filter/refresh button

Step 11. In there you should see cookie named

"user" click on it and then click on button


Step 12. Then there should pop-up "add/edit

cookie" window. Fill in there the content you

have been given

Step 13. Then just Press "save". Close cookie


Step 14. Refresh the site and there it is

premium account

For Other Websites Use These Locations _user gin SID SID

Cheers Friends

Friday, 16 September 2011

Web Bypass Tutorial

In this tutorial I'll be showing you how to bypass a filtered network just by following some simple steps. Instead of using a proxy server that uses non-standard ports, I'll be showing you another expolit in an easier way. We'll use the expolit found in the URL mechanism itself. The ideas works as follows:

Converting the URL to an IP address and then to its binary representation or equivalent. This kind of exploit can be used commonly on Mozilla and Netscape. Enjoy bypassing websites at your college, though I don't hold any reponsibility on how you tend to use this information whatsoever.

Use at your own risk !!!

Keep in mind that there are two kinds of filtered network. There is the software and hardware side. In this tutorial we'll be introduing the software side of them.

Step 1: 
Get the IP address for the web site you need to bypass.

For example, undergroundsystems (Underground Systems) blocked in Web-content filtering software has this IP address:

I obtained the web domain IP address by pinging the site in command prompt console.

Step 2: 
Convert each individual number in the IP address to an eight-digit binary number.

Note: Numbers having fewer than eight digits in their binary form must be padded with leading zeros to fill in the missing digits. For example, the binary number 1 is padded to 00000001 by adding seven zeros before the number one.

Each IP address that uses IPv4, is a 32 bit binary number, therefore 4 bytes in total. So we need to convert each quad dotted binary number in the IP address to its binary number.

For each number:

72 = 01001000

29 = 00011101

78 = 01001110

187 = 10111011

The windows Calculator can automatically convert numbers from decimal to binary notation:

i. Choose View -> Scientific.
ii. Click the Dec option button.
iii. Enter the number in decimal value.
iv. Click the Bin option button to show the number in binary format.

Step 3: 
Assemble or group the four 8 digit binary numbers into one 32-digit binary number.


Note: Don't add the binary numbers. Just organize them in the same order as the original IP address without the separating periods.

Step 4: 
Convert the 32-digit binary number to a decimal number.

For example, the 32-digit binary number 01001000000111010100111010111011 is equal to the decimal number 1209880251.

The decimal number doesn't need to be padded to a specific length.

Step 5:
Plug the decimal number into the Web browser's address field, like this:


Viola, the Web Page loads easy as pie!

Note: The preceding steps will not bypass URL's in Internet Explorer (though in some cases it still works).


If the bypassing of certain Web-content filters is an issue for your network, ask your content-filtering vendor if it has a solution for it :p

Happy Hacking

How to change your MAC address

There are many reasons why you might choose to change your MAC address. Here is a guide on how to do it!

Find the MAC address of your machine by typing this in terminal:
ifconfig -a | grep HWaddr

Then, sign in as root and do the following:

ifconfig eth0 down
ifconfig eth0 hw ether [NEW MAC ADDRESS HERE]
ifconfig eth0 up
ifconfig eth0 |grep HWaddr

Your new MAC address can be any 48 bit hexadecimal address.

Pull up your windows menu, then go to Control Panel > Hardware and Sound > Device Manager > expand the Network Adapters section and pick your network device. Right click on it and choose properties. When a box pops up, go to the Advanced tab, select “Network Address” in a list, and select the radio button next to the blank Value field and enter the new MAC address.

Keep in mind:
Changing your MAC address is not permanent. After rebooting your computer, the machine will show the MAC address burnt into your network card, not the one you chose.

Sunday, 11 September 2011

How To Sqli a website Using Software N00b Friendly

Thing You Need
C99 Shall
Adminpage Finder

now open Havij and enter you website in the url bar

and then push the analyze button
You Should See this afterwards
and then push the tables button and you will see the database
now click the Get Tables Button
now click on the user table and click Get Columns
Now Click On The User And Password Column And Push Get Data
The First Username And Password You See Should Be The Administrator
Now Open You Admin Page Finder And Put In The URL
And Click The Scan Button
Once You find The Page visit It in your web browser
Now Login With The Username And Pass You found in the database
Now If your website is a CMS like myn there should be a sidebar 
or navigation menu somewhere and theres always a place to 
upload images in my case the news
[Image: havij11.png]
Now Rename the c99 script ANYTHING.PHP.JPG and upload it
now find the directory where the images are and goto your shell
And Now Your Done

Saturday, 10 September 2011

How To Install Windows 7 Vista From USB Drive 100% working

This Tutorial will show you how to make your USB BOOTABLE for Windows 7/ Vista.

Having a bootable USB is very essential, especially if you are a Notbook user. Using bootable USB to install an operating system (OS) not only makes the 

installation faster, but also saves a DVD.

The main and biggest advantage that Installing windows 7/ Vista From USB is very fast it takes almost 20 to 30 minutes Only.

Note that this bootable USB guide will not work if you are trying to make a bootable USB on XP computer.

For this you require: 

1)Atleast 4Gb USB DRIVE

2) Windows 7/ Vista installation files.

The method is very simple and you can use without any hassles. Needless to say that your motherboard should support USB Boot feature to make use of the bootable USB drive.

Just follow these steps. 

NOTE: write commands correctly with spaces where require.

1) Open Command Prompt as administrator rights.

To access Command Prompt as administrator, Write "cmd" in start menu search box and hit CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER.

2) In Command Prompt write "DISKPART".

3) Now type "List DISK".

4) Now select the disk which is your USB. It may be (Disk 1, disk 2, or Disk 3) so choose carefully. Here mine its Disk 3.
   Format should be right this( select disk 3).

5) Now write "CLEAN" and hit "ENTER".



8) Type "ACTIVE".

9) Type "FORMAT FS=NTFS". ( Formating will take some time 10 to 15 minutes).

10) Type "ASSIGN".

11) Type "EXIT".

This is how the whole procedure looks.

Dont close Command Prompt as we need it.

Now insert Windows 7/Vista Dvd in the DVD-ROM.

12) Type "D: CD BOOT". (Name the drive which contain windows 7/Vista.)

13) Type "CD BOOT" again.

14) Type "BOOTSECT.EXE /NT60 G:" (Here I wrote G: because after formating in step 9 the drive name wil change automatically so check it before commanding). G: is USB DRIVE.

Given above command is to update the USB drive with BOOTMGR compatible code.

This will show full procedure.

Done. Close Command Prompt and copy Windows 7/Vista DVD contents into USB Drive.

Note: Before using USB as your boot device, Change boot priority from BIOS to USB. If you dont change Boot Priority USB will not Boot.

My Tutorails are fully workable and tested by me so there is no need to worry about anything. I told each and every step so that no one will have any 

Wednesday, 7 September 2011

How to Recover Windows 7 Password~Windows Password Killer Tool

Here i am going to introduce a new tool named as Windows Password Killer. It enables you remove windows 7 password to reset the administrator, standard user and guest passwords easily without any data losing or file damage.

There is 3 different editions - the Lite, Pro and Ultimate, here we take the Pro edition as an example for the password remove process with USB drive (CD/DVD also supported too).

1. Any Accessible Computer.
2.USB Drive or CD/DVD

Step 1: Install Password Killer
Download the Windows Windows Password Killer from Here. 
Install the windows Password Killer in your friends or any accssible computer.

Step 2:Burn a bootable CD/DVD or an USB drive
  1. Insert the USB Drive or CD/DVD.
  2. Run the Windows Password Killer.
  3. Select the USB drive or CD/DVD.
  4. click the Create button.
  5. It will ask you to verify whether you select correct disk or not. Click "Yes" button.

Step 3: Boot from USB Drive OR CD/DVD 
Now let us come to our locked computer.
  • Insert your USB Drive before turn on the system(if you are using CD/DVD, you have to turn on and insert). 
  • Now turn on the system, press F10 or F12(it may vary for your system) to choose the booting device. 
  • Select the USB drive or CD/DVD.
It will boot into Windows Password Killer.

Step4 : Reseting Password
After program starts, select Windows 7 system on the start page, click 'Next'.


Select your target user accounts, and then click 'Next' to proceed the Windows 7 password recovery/unlock process.

The Windows 7 Administrator password or other user accounts password is reset successfully now. Take out the password reset CD/DVD, click 'Reboot' to restart your computer.
